Boda boda, there is still hope

Over the years that this column has been in existence, it has on several occasions bashed boda boda riders. Bashed is actually not the word; ‘knocked’ is more accurate. Over the span of a few weeks, it once explored the different types of boda boda. It has also delved into how boda bodas came to […]

How to run a big company

As the big, all-powerful being that runs an even bigger, more powerful company, you spend nights awake thinking deep thoughts on things us mere cassava-eating mortals cannot begin to appreciate. If even half your thoughts run through our minds that don’t run big, powerful companies, we’d fall on the ground and convulse and ask you […]

How to dodge a pothole

Merrily driving along what we use as roads in Kampala, you will tunnel down many a pothole. For you who drink coffee while driving to work, this may cause your drink to spill on the lower half of your body. This is not a good thing seeing as coffee, assuming it was not made in […]

How to handle spam

Do you ever receive those emails with blue skies, waterfalls and yellow sunflowers with a feel-good message that has a warning at the end; if you don’t forward this to 15 of your friends within the next three seconds, your face will fall off? Do you usually immediately cringe, snap your laptop shut, fight a […]

Why ‘indicating’ will not kill you

Whistling, driving happily along an uneven path, track, trail or if you are lucky enough to find a road in Kampala, you eventually realise that every so often, drivers turn without giving a turn signal, or “indicating”. This might rile you. You may feel the urge to construct a sentence using only expletives and send […]

How to chair a meeting

Chairing a meeting is not as easy as Denzel Washington makes it look in that hit movie he acted about chairing meetings. He made it seem like it is all about staring people down and shouting, in a modified-for-TV-baritone, yourself hoarse. It is these things actually…and more. (To unashamedly quote that advert on TV about […]

Make more money

This column in the last few weeks has been taking baby steps to progressively get you back on track with your New Year’s resolutions. Something this noble can’t be done in one or two articles. It requires an entire book, a few podcasts, a website, a number of CDs, guest appearances on Oprah and a […]

What is in a guy’s pockets?

It has long baffled many people out there what men carry in our deep pockets. What is inside a man’s pocket? Is it lemons thrown at him by this cold, cold world? Is it sugar crystals from dipping his hands into a sugar bowl that morning and withdrawing it before anyone, not even his children, […]

Getting more resolutions back

Last week, we began a series addressing the slump you are currently in. Psychiatrists world over say you are felling low due to believing you are nowhere close to achieving your new year’s resolutions. I have since had to swim through thousands of letters sent in response. Thanks for all your letters. I may not […]

Getting resolutions back on track

It is that time of the year when we generally feel low. We realise that we are nowhere near attaining many of the goals we set for ourselves at the beginning of the year so our spirits take a dip. This column is here for you. Let’s get you back on track with all your […]