Problem solving techniques

In today’s world of work, not only theoretical knowledge is increasingly required, but also specific skills that are helpful for teamwork and the achievement of objectives. Among these skills, problem solving certainly represents one of the main ones, for which this online course in problem solving techniques aims to illustrate not only the technique as such, through […]
Winning strategies

An advertisement said that “Optimism is the scent of life”: but … exactly, what do we mean by optimism? Is it a somewhat “magical” way of thinking, according to which “everything will be definitely fine”? And, above all, are we naturally optimistic, or can we become one? And how? The title of this course refers to “realism”: and this […]
Believe in yourself and make your dreams come true

You have certainly heard of self-esteem, this word is often heard on television, among friends, acquaintances, etc. But what is self-esteem? How can we define it? And why is it important? Self-esteem is the “personal perception we have of ourselves” in a particular period of our life. Self-esteem is linked to the image we have of ourselves, but also to […]
Develop your potentials

Nowadays there is a lot of confusion regarding the knowledge of one’s abilities, for example in the world of work not everyone is suitable for certain tasks; however this should not be like a lack on the part of that person since each of us has a different brain with more or less developed areas that […]
How to improve the quality of your life

In here, we’ll discuss why goals are so important. “They energize”, “stimulate action”, “help overcome obstacles”, etc. This is said about the importance of goals in life. And indeed when we use them to motivate ourselves, goals unleash such a creative force that they can get us through any obstacle in our path. They give clarity, meaning, direction: they […]