Goat rearing-best practices

The dons at the leading tertiary institution in our beloved country are on strike; they want their pay increased. Our benevolent leader shared tried and tested wisdom with them; he said that if they want more money, they should go and rear goats. Any columnist around the world would jump at an opportunity like this […]

Fighting school strikes with guns

Head teachers in western Uganda are troubled people. Over the last few months, a number of student strikes have broken out in the schools they run. These have resulted in losses to the schools. Egos have also taken a hit in the process. In their wisdom, the head teachers have requested that the police give […]

Messaging in the past times

Once upon a time, humans communicated entirely by ooga agaaring to the person next to them. Communities were small. They left home to run out and kill game then came home, dragging their supper by the antlers and handed it to their mate. All one needed to get their message across was to, after scratching […]