It’s been said by a number of detractors that Ugandans are not very hardworking people. The same haters have said that we only love to party; that we only go to work to finance the partying. They are quick to bring out pictures of politicians in various states of slumber in the middle of meetings. If these haters of progress knew anything, they’d know that a politician only sleeps in proceedings because he’s been working hard elsewhere – a late trip to and from their constituency, or a long night discussing critical matters with his constituents. I’ll share more details in another article but for now, suffice to say, the haters don’t believe we work hard. To finally put them to rest, here are some solid reasons that arose this week showing, undeniably, that we are very hardworking.
First, I have the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), a team of journalists from 45 countries, to thank. They showed, in something dubbed “the Swiss Leaks data project”, that 57 people associated with Uganda have $89.3m (about Shs. 256b) in a bank in Switzerland. 57 hardworking Ugandans have amassed that colossal sum and being patriots, they didn’t want to cause inflation so they put it outside countries. One of the 57 individuals is a special star, holding a tidy sum of $8.8m (about Shs. 25b). These are true Ugandans; they are stars we need to celebrate come Heroes’ day. They’ve toiled without tiring, run without giving up and above everything, have taken time to care for their community by not letting their earnings spoil the economy. In fact, if they so chose, they could finance a healthy portion of our National budget (as local donors so that we kick-out foreign aid). They are a great representation of the hardworking Ugandan.

Second, last week our beloved leader went out to personally investigate the murder of two prominent persons in Mayuge and Namayingo districts. I can only imagine how full his plate is but to still be able to make time and take on investigative work (which movies have shown me is very hard work) says, rather loudly, how hardworking our leader is (and by extension, how hardworking we are). It should come as no surprise then that we have that much money stashed away abroad; finally the naysayers have been silenced. We burn the midnight oil, we work like the very air we breathe depended on how much work we do…we also party a lot but that’s only after working hard. For God and our country.
I think I need to start working hard…..
🙂 You may need to reach out to some of these hardcore people to get some quick tips