Life is grim but hope is still alive

This column is generally about the sunny side of things. The new spin to old things. The “we could also look at it this way” side. The one that makes you hold the newspaper closer, squint and re-read the sentence, all the while wondering whether there isn’t a law against keyboards bringing to life such […]

WordPress Tutorial: Update all posts at once

WordPress only allows you to update certain fields (like author, status, tags) for several posts at once from the admin section of your site. What do you do though if you’d like to update fields the WordPress admin section won’t allow you to? What happens if, for example, you’d like to change the post titles […]

Advice on graduating to university

Dear reader-who’s-going-to-join-university-very-soon, it is time to rejoice. Out with the shackles of wearing a school uniform to class; in with going to class in a durag, heavy jeans, an oversized T-shirt and beat-down flip-flops. A resounding boo to attempting to meet all your body’s nutritional requirements by eating posho and beans, hooray to the miracle […]

How to alter WordPress default comments widget

WordPress ships with a nifty widget to show your most recent comments. There are a number of ways to modify it Use a plugin and change everything Copy the widget code from wp-includes/default-widgets.php into your theme’s functions.php and tinker away Use the widget_comments_args filter I’m not big on plugins. Option 3 is pretty clean and light and […]

For Facebook and my country

In a recent report released by Facebook showing governments that had requested for user account information of some of its citizens in the first six months of this year, we were named. Our very own government of Uganda, the one we know and love, this one here, it made it into the report. We don’t […]

Settling disagreements through the ages

Two prominent politicians have recently been in the media, going back and forth, sending each other not-too-friendly words. Politician words. One is a guy. He is smooth-talking and doesn’t wear ill-fitting suits in front of cameras. The other is an iron-lady. She goes by the book. The feud, fought out entirely in the media, has […]