Last week, we began a series addressing the slump you are currently in. Psychiatrists world over say you are felling low due to believing you are nowhere close to achieving your new year’s resolutions. I have since had to swim through thousands of letters sent in response. Thanks for all your letters.

I may not be able to individually reply each one because, among other reasons, ripping all of them open will take years. But let me take a sob moment off to say thank you. I’m not sure how you got my post office box number (cough stalkers cough) but no restraining order will be sought. Yet.

The article was about getting you back on track with your resolutions. We focused on how to get back on course to being fit. Do this by lifting your sofas.

Do mud-wrestling. Practical stuff. Today, we look at you if your new year’s resolution was to get a promotion at work.
If you set out to get a promotion this year and your boss has not so much as looked at you twice, save for the time you spilled coffee on very important tender documents, or the time you tripped a visiting chief executive officer, or the time you tipped over the water dispenser while leaning on it, or the time you asked in a meeting whether the company can have a beginning of year party, or the time you run into office screaming “Fire!!” because you were auditioning for a role on what was “The Hostel” back then, don’t lose hope just yet. You can still get the promotion. Given all these things you have done, it will probably be harder than it ought to be but let’s not be naysayers.

To get back on track, for one, if you ever feel the urge to ask a question during a meeting, first whisper it to the person next to you and look very closely at their reaction. If they grimace and or laugh out loud (or by extension they update their status to ‘lol’), then do not raise your hand and ask the rest of the meeting the same question.

Next, be helpful around office. Sweep when everyone leaves. Reply all emails with smilies. Hug everyone after lunch. It is the small things that matter. You will get that promotion

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